Monday, December 29, 2008

Killer Jews Slaughter 14 School Kids

Just kidding!

While the MSM combs through the Gaza Strip in search of orphan kittens killed by Israeli strikes launched for no reason at all, back on Earth this sort of thing passes with nary a whisper. I guess it would need some kind of visual hook to make the news, y'know, like actual video of the attack.

Quote Of The Day

VDH on the new class war:
A few generations ago, Democrats would have opposed Palin but appreciated her blue-collar story, and applauded a working mom who out-politicked entrenched and richer male elites. But now the new aristocratic liberalism has adopted the values of the old silk-stocking Republicans of the 1950s—and so zombie-like worship rather than question entitlement.

Evil Banks Lending Irresponsibly Irresponsibly Not Lending

I guess the credit crunch must be easing after all. Now the usual suspects are complaining that the evil banks aren't lending enough money. Hmmmm... that's not exactly what they were saying back in the day.

You know what'll fix this? An enormous bureaucracy. We could call it something like the 'Financial Services Authority' and site it in the most expensive office development in the entire universe. That'll help.

Stupid Hippy Fired, Liberals Outraged

Not to give aid and comfort to the enemy, but if teachers are determined to try and convince people that they really are committed professionals, and not just geriatric adolescents, they might want to try not closing ranks round every unprofessional slob in the staff room.

It gets better:
A PE teacher who was sacked for wearing trainers in class has criticised the Government for promoting the "corporatisation" of the capital's schools.
He's not a slob! He's protesting against the system, maaaaaan!
The 57-year-old, of Canning Town, said: "Children would much rather have a good teacher who wore trainers than a bad one who was dressed like a businessman.
Yep, the kids are being educated by people who sneer at folks with actual jobs. Is it time yet for another 100 articles about how teachers don' get no respect?
"Pupils learn best in an atmosphere where they feel comfortable and not in a corporate, office-like setting, so I really don't like the way that education is going."
So we have a 57 year old man who's enraged! that he has to follow his managers orders even though he doesn't agree with them. Yep, it's a mystery why the kids are so screwed up.

Liberals Shocked! Pope 'Catholic'

Don't be shocked, but the Reverend Dale has had a squealing fit. He's claiming that His Holiness's Christmas message proves he's a really big Nazi.

Given Dale's penchant for creative writing, I thought I better check the original text and, wouldcha'believe it, it turns out....

Just to run through the scores on the doors: His Holiness suggests we need to protect the social environment as well as the physical one - a point which surely comes under 'Blindingly Obvious' even for those of us who don't play a conservative on TV - and Dale calls him a Nazi. Hmmmm...remind me again which side of the debate keeps yammering about 'hate speech'?

See, this is kind of the point: if even the most tepid support for sexual restraint sends you into an unhinged screaming fit then, yes, you do have a problem with morality. You certainly have a problem with any recognisable form of Christianity.

But no: apparently, 'True Christianity' turns out to be like 'True Conservatism' - whatever Dale and pals say it is that particular day.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

It's That Time Again!

Yep, here they are again: Full Metal Elves.

Ecoloons 4 Crashes

I guess this is a win:win for them. They protect the fishes from salt in the water (????) and they take vehicles off the road. Who says ecoloons hate people?

Still Waiting For The Ramadam Rebuttal

I've got to admit I've always had a certain admiration for Channel 4's 'alternative Christmas message'. Something about the way it effortlessly combines a raging desire to stick two fingers up to everybody else with an utter lack of any actual message, it seems like the perfect distillation of modern liberalism.

Of course, back in the day Channel 4's wadical webelliousness mainly took the form of stupid puns, so we had Quintin Crisp presenting an 'Alternative Queen's Message' (geddit?), or we had a 'Black Christmas'. Unfortunately, as with much else in modern liberalism, it looks like they've lost the ability to distinguish bugging the squares from actual evil.

I'm guessing Mugabe was rejected for being just too cosy with the Establishment, maaaaaan. On the other hand... it is the season of peace and goodwill, and he's definitely the alternative to that. I just wish we didn't have to listen to these idiots congratulating themselves on their own transgressiveness when you know hell will freeze over before anyone on the right gets ten minutes to talk unchallenged about their views.

(And a tip of the hat to TDK for this one)

Monday, December 22, 2008

Social Workers: Not Agenda-Driven In Any Way

Well, I guess all this debunks any charges that social workers soft-pedal child abuse where dealing with it would damage the leftist agenda.

I guess beating Junior senseless is just one more of those wacky cultural quirks that do so much to enrich British life.

Anyway, the left prefers to engage with the RoP. Hey, how's that working out?
The Mosques and Imams National Advisory Board (Minab) - a government approved organisation established in 2006 - has set up a minimum standard for mosques which includes guidelines to safeguard child welfare. However, membership is purely voluntary and Minab has yet to recruit a single mosque.

Quote Of The Day

The Great Dalrymple on the liberal love of the scumbag:
Intellectuals need to say things that are not immediately obvious or do not occur to the man in the street. The man in the street instinctively sympathizes with the victim of crime; therefore, to distinguish himself from the man in the street, the intellectual has to sympathize with the criminal, by turning him into a victim of forces which only he, the intellectual, has sufficient sophistication to see.

What Forty Years Of Liberalism Hath Wrought

....people who can see through the whole 'weather' scam.

This is what you get when you mix post-modernism with the entitlement mentality. They're not arguing that the weather was just fine and it was all a huge fraud. Nope, it's pure hysteria, as though high volume outrage! can overcome facts. Why not? It worked for Labour for 11 years.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Battle Against Racism Proceeding Much As Expected

Hmmmmm.... race-hustling celebutard Estelle is complaining about The Racism in the media. I'd mock her, but I think she might have a point. What can you say about an industry where people can express overtly racist sentiments like this?
Adele ain't soul. She sounds like she heard some Aretha records once, and she's got a deeper voice - that don't mean she's soul. That don't mean nothing to me in the grand scheme of my life as a black person. As a songwriter, I get what they do. As a black person, I'm like: you're telling me this is my music? Fuck that!"
I bet Estelle is going to speak out against this bigoted loon any time now.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Liberal Multiculturalism Is A Fraud

Liberals might wax lyrical about the wonders of non-western cultures, yet they're blindingly ignorant about them. That's why we keep getting headlines like this. For all their allegedly evil assumptions of cultural superiority, at least the nasty old Victorians were aware that there were, in fact, other cultures out there - liberals prefer to just assume that the world is full of folks just like them and all that stuff about killing Infidels is just a rhetorical flourish.

Quote Of The Day

Jonah Goldberg on shoegate:
There's a weird double standard buried deep in all of this, and I don't just mean the biases against Bush. When conservatives hold up unsavory Muslims or Arabs as representative of the region's problems, we're told how simplistic and two-dimensional we're being. But when the same sort of unsavory doofus behaves in ways that confirm liberal biases and coform to liberal passions, then suddenly this doofus speaks for millions.

Femiloon Round-Up

Now Sexist: Asking female employees not to put it all in the shop window.

Still Sexist: Any male employees caught window shopping.

Not Sexist: Running eighty bazillion articles on how a 'superwoman' has stuck it to those men in the City.

Now Sexist: Running articles noting 'superwoman' lost nearly 10% of her funds 'investing' in an obvious fraud.

Still Sexist: Refusing to throw out basic principles of law to ensure more rape convictions.

Never Sexist: Opposing the only change in the law that would unequivocally make it harder for rapists to practice their calling.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Hollywood In A Nutshell

Don't miss the last line:

Lt Dan Now At Least 637% Cooler Than Even We Thought

Besides, you have to like a star whose photograph betrays such obvious embarrassment at his award.

Environmentalism As Hard Science Latest

Nope, not a religion at all.

Child Dies After Social Workers Rule 'Not At Risk', Liberals Enraged

Specifically, they're enraged at people mentioning the case.

Hey, like I keep saying, if social workers aren't a bunch of leftist kooks, how come liberals always close ranks round them? Note that in a shocking break with tradition these people don't engage with the substance of the charges, they just try and smear the critics. See, that's the whole thing: people are disgusted by the death of a young child after another brilliant decision by social services, and liberals are baffled by it. No one could seriously regret the loss of innocent life, so what game are they really playing?

Needless to say, when you look at the case itself, all the usual elements are in place. True, you can argue just how much could have been done to save the child, but social workers didn't even try. On the contrary, they reportedly took a 'positive' view of a pair of dysfunctional lunatics with a record of drug abuse and violence (including homicide). The bottom line is that this is just further proof that the criteria used by social workers to assess families are completely bananas.

Thanks to years of collective binging on the femiloon, pink, psychobabble kool aid, social workers are convince that the traditional family is a hot bed of abuse and, by 'eck, they'll got to any lengths to prove it. Meanwhile, anybody who can convincingly claim victim status gets a pass, with even violent insanity and drug abuse treated as just proof of authenticity.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Best Comments Thread Evah?

It's Christmas, and Mr FM's running through the classics!

Have Yourself A Very, Merry Winterval

Take that right-wing maniacs and your pathetic claims of a war on Christmas!

Meanwhile, also at that link, the Reverend Stephen Coulter besmirches a glorious name by banning the hymn 'O Little Town Of Bethlehem' because he considers the lyrics no longer appropriate now that Bethlehem is a war zone - y'know, as opposed to the oasis of peace and reason 1st Century Judea was.

Still, the winner of Best In Show is the Reverend Wriiiiiight, for remembering that 7th December all those years ago when America dropped the bomb on Japan.

Hey, how was Obama to know his spiritual mentor of 20 years standing was a complete loon?

Quote Of The Day

A cultural interlude, with Dirty Harry reviewing the remake of 'The Day The Earth Stood Still':
For Hollywoodists it makes sense for Reeves’ Klaatu to land in Central Park. After all, second only to themselves, New York City is the center of the universe. As a story point, however, this makes no sense. In the original Klaatu not only landed dead in the heart of American democracy, Washington D.C., but also in the heart of America itself as represented by a baseball field. For most of America (those folks Hollywood used to make movies for), the sight was an unsettling reminder of our own vulnerability, whereas Central Park ranks only as an unsettling reminder of how many bad romantic comedies Hollywood produces every year.

Liberals Against Diversity

How come we never need Depts of Social Work that 'look like Britain'? Instead, we have departments that look like the student's union from hell. Take this for the latest example.

Yep, someone who's married to the Mad Bomber gets to define what is and is not a dysfunctional family. What could possibly go wrong?
In that role [i.e. director of children’s services], she approved the forced removal of Mark and Nicky Webster’s three children, all then under five – a decision condemned by Liberal Democrat MP Norman Lamb as ‘an appalling miscarriage of justice’ and which has been highlighted by The Mail on Sunday.

The Websters fought a long battle to prove they had not harmed their children. Last year, experts agreed that leg injuries suffered by one youngster were due not to physical abuse but to a disorder that stopped him eating anything other than soya milk.
So someone who thinks terrorist bombers are cute, has no qualms about pursuing the innocent. Who's have thunk it?

This is what I keep saying: it's not about 'judgement calls'. It's about the fact that these people are fringe lunatics whose world view is completely out of the mainstream.

Gene Hunt Is Innocent!

Who says hipsters can't be religious? While the sane people are gearing up for Christmas, these guys are busy with the feast of St Jean the Martyr. Whether groovy liberals or prissy libertarians, the ostentatiously disengaged rollers-of-eyes have been getting ready to party like it's 1999.

Trouble is, the Great British Public is strangely unmoved by the fact ten morons, drawn from the electorate that twice voted for Livingstone as Mayor, have ruled that Kops Suck!!!!!!

Hence the hipsters' descent into madness. Still, at least some of them are keeping their heads, like libertarian Tom Paine, who writes this:
The witch-hunters cannot have it both ways. However much they may describe any attempt at rational thought as "...near-lunatic ranting..." If they are allowed to get away with their afternoon-TV, chav sentimentalism, what next?
I keed! I keed!

That was him criticising me for being too harsh on child molesters, but that was then and this is now, and 'chav sentimentalism' is in! My favourite is this bit:
This, even after the defence team walked out in protest and the bereaved family made their feelings clear.
I'm pretty sure Sarah Payne's family made their feelings clear too! Where exactly is the dividing line between 'addled, tabloid emotionalis' and boldly speaking truthiness to power? Hey, the cops thought that at any second a fanatic might detonate himself and take them - plus a carriage full of passengers - with them. What was the Parole Board's excuse?

We have actual, specific objections to the way the legal system handles paedophiles. We are opposed to the mainstreaming of paedophillia. We demand more accountability in the rehabilitation industry. We don't believe it's the government's role to help paedophiles insert themselves into unsuspecting populations. More generally, we believe the law should reflect the common morality, not the agenda of the supposedly enlightened, and definitely privileged, few.

On the other hand, what is it that these people are so ranty about? Say what you like about 9/11 Truthers, but at least there was a grandeur to their loopiness, there was Chimpy McHitlerburton blowing up the twin towers so the neo-cons could invade Iraq and steal their oil. 7/22 Truthers? Not so much. As far as I can tell, they claim there was a vast conspiracy reaching to the heart of government, all to kill a bogus electrician. Huh?

That must have been some bad rewiring job.

Ditto, for all that he wants to convince us that the operation proves that the police are knuckle-dragging, semi-literate 'chavs' with guns, wasn't the actual commander of this op, Cressida Dick, with her blue chip CV, friend of the Fortesque-Bouquets background, and Oxbridge degree just the epitome of Tommyism?

This is equally true of the organisational structure the police operated under. This too reflected the belief that the average police officer was a borderline moron. Individual units were cogs in the machine, expected to perform their specific task while exercising zero initiative. They could talk to HQ, but not to each other. Everything had to run through Czarina Cressida.

In other words, this operation proves the exact opposite of the point Tommy is trying to make. The problem wasn't chaotic, ill-disciplined thugs in uniform going on the rampage, it was a plan that demanded a tight, centralised control of operations yet collapsed almost immediately, producing the worst of all possible worlds.

The firearms team were kept in the dark until the last moment, then ordered to race forward and intercept the mad bomber just before he could complete his dastardly deed. Complaining that they hit the wrong guy is like complaining that the postman delivered stuff to the wrong place just because you put that address on the parcel (actually, that analogy only works if you also prevented the postie from talking to anyone else and the package was ticking).

We can speculate as to whether alternative structures would have served better, but they can't. The organisation structure used reflected perfectly the hipster view of the police and policing. Other structures might have worked better, but in so far as that would require Cressida, Tommy and the rest of their pals to trust the boots on the ground, don't expect that to happen any time soon.

Executive Summary: Gene Hunt was not in the building.

Of course, one big clue is this: we want to wage war on all child molesters. The hipsters? Well, like I said, how come James Ashley and Harry Stanley aren't featuring in any movies? Come to think of it, ridicule people for still be hacked off at the police's role in the death of nearly 100 people and you get to be London Mayor.

The Cult of St Jean is a rescue hypothesis. From September 11 to July 7, hipsters regarded terrorism as a punchline. As late as December 2004, Law Lord Hoffman was hailed as a hero for ridiculing the threat from terrorism and - unlike where conservatives are alleged to have said something stupid and it always turns out to be have been twenty years ago with no independent witnesses - he said this in court while striking down anti-terrorist legislation.

Right up until July 7, there was no easier way to affirm your status as one of the too-cool-for-school, fashionably cynical pseudo-intellectuals than to refer to the 'so-called war on terror'. Suddenly, with eight bomb attacks in two weeks, that joke had gone flat. It turned out that terrorism wasn't an invention of the neo-cons after all.

Hence, the sudden canonisation of St Jean the Martyr post-July 22. In less than a month we went from these people arguing that terrorism was a fraud, to terrorism being kind of bad, but not as bad as fascist state death squads roaming the land. As political sleight of hand goes, this shows a certain chutzpah, but the Great British Public isn't buying it. Hmmmm... seems like those 'chavs' aren't so stoopid, after all.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Today's 'Only Highly-Trained Employees Of The State Can Be Trusted With Firearms' Stories

Reason Number 256 why only certified state employees can handle guns: us proles can't be trusted to keep them safe & secure.

On the plus side, at least in that case no one got shot. Like JulieM says, even folks who've never so much as handled a .22 know that a) all weapons are always loaded, b) never point a gun at anything you don't want to shoot and c) only touch the trigger to fire. Highly-trained firearms officer? The average Army cadet knows better than that.

Quote Of The Day

Great line in the comments to this post over at Dr H's place:
I've noticed with the democrats I am always poor when they want a vote but rich when it comes to paying taxes or actually getting anything for my tax dollars.

Karen Matthews: Conservative Heroine

Well, why not? At least she's forced the MSM to break their Omerta on the underclass.

Hell, these people are second only to members of the religion of peace in the MSM's reluctance to actually let them speak for themselves. Nope, whenever you see someone getting interviewed about this, it's always some professional activist who explains what the underclass would say, if ever they were allowed on air.

Ditto, with swords, oak leaves and gold cluster, the news about just how much Karen Matthews was soaking the welfare for. If it hadn't been for this case liberals would still be insisting that these people were living in a Dickensian nightmare.

Femiloon Threat Analysis: Tiaras > Rapists

The Hackney gang rape trial has just finished and, amazingly enough, it turns out none of the assailants were Inuits or ninjas. Also, you may want move anything breakable out of range before clicking here.

Yep, you are reading that right: the longest sentence for participation in a brutal and sustained gang rape was nine years in a young offenders institute aka playstation prison. So that'll be three years in the metric system, and out in time to catch some events at the Olympics. The winner of 'Best In Show' was the sentence given to a 14-year-old scumbag who not only gets to keep his anonymity, but also scored 'secure accommodation for two years and five months because of his age'. So that's a year's holiday under the firm rule of a bunch of social workers.

I guess the femiloons would have said something, but they were across town dealing with the real threat.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Liberals: Elitist? Us?

Heh. I don't think it's the quality that puts them off bloggers.

My unqualified view is that if you're that good, you shouldn't need to wave a flag to tell everyone.

One Day, Son, All This Constituency Will Be Yours (Part II)

Labour: abolishing hereditary peers, inventing hereditary MPs. It's the People's Party all right!

Liberal: Hey, You Know Who's Just Like The People Who Killed Baby P? You Are!

Is anyone still taking Barnado's seriously? It's like the whole organisation has gone on a coke & sodium penthol binge, and now they can't stop telling us what liberals really think.

Take this latest example of liberal tourettes. That's how they really think. Born into chavdom? Destined to be a scumbag. It's a world view every bit as elitist as anything The Dave could come out with.

Of course it's all bait and switch. These freaks don't really want to write off the progeny of the worthwhileness-impaired and the morally-dyslexic, they just want to put the blame for the inevitable train wreck right onto you. We're not spending enough on penguins, see.

Femiloons: Finding The Nuance In Gang Rape

Not entirely refuting the argument that feminism is the ideology of spoilt, geriatric princesses, they're celebrating a historic victory by a talking hairdo. Finally, autocue jockeys will be judged on their skills not just their faded looks.

Meanwhile, we still have a virtual media blackout about a growing epidemic of gang rapes in Britain. I'm sure femiloons don't necessarily approve of gang rape, it's just that...well, you know:
The majority of victims [of gang rape] - 60 per cent - were white, while 28 per cent were black.

Scotland Yard identified certain characteristics among attackers. Around 40 per cent of suspects were described as Afro-Caribbean. A further 13 per cent were of Indian or Pakistani appearance.

Officers insist that this is not a race issue, simply a reflection that most gang rapes take place in the most deprived boroughs, which have disproportionately high ethnic populations.
So gang rape is most common in areas dominated by certain ethnic minorities, but there isn't a racial angle because the disproportionately high ethnic populations mean that most of the victims are white.

Well, I'm convinced!

At risk of stating the obvious, the refusal of members of the public to help the victim in this case, and the assailants' families obvious contempt for the law, arise from the same forces that lie behind this epidemic of gang rapes in the first place. To the point: femiloon have spent years detecting misogyny in everything in th world, but now we really do have cultures which regard rape as a perfectly acceptable tactic and femiloons don't want to know. They would say something, but that would put them on the same side as the right, and that would never do.

Friday, December 05, 2008

Journalists: Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors

And anyway, who was it who decreed that ignoring the blindingly obvious was a sign of sofistikayshon?

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Fabulous! Quotes Of The Day

KS nails it!
What today's obnoxious gay brownshirts activists who dare to think of themselves as the next Rosa Parks don't get, is that Rosa Parks just wanted to sit at the front of the bus.

She didn't try to take the wheel and drive the thing in the opposite direction.
Kind of like this:
There are many different versions of the Bible; I don't see why we can't have one

Liberal Makes Amazing Discovery

Ho hum. Democrats win the election, and suddenly the New York Times discovers that terrorism might not be all down to America, after all. Who says the left are cynical?

Guardian Finds Guilty Person

Hallelujah! It had to happen eventually: the Guardian is enraged! by a show of support for someone they call a 'convicted criminal'.

Just to spell it out to the Guardian, Shields may indeed have been convicted, but a 'criminal'? Didn't the Guardian used to be in favour of actual trials? Still, let's check the scorecard here, guy captured by US troops on Afghan battlefield and sent to Gitmo: obviously innocent. Guy arrested in Fourth World hell hole and sentenced by kangaroo court: guilty!

It's actually an interesting question: is Guardian hack Daniel Taylor truly aware of how desperately he's having to scrabble round to try and make his case, or does this kind of bias just come naturally?
The FA's disciplinary department fined Norris £5,000 and is alarmed that Liverpool should also publicly back someone convicted of a serious crime and, in the process, open themselves to allegations of playing judge and jury.
Unlike the Guardian, which never questions the decisions of the courts.

For the record, Norris was fined for supporting somehow who really had committed an offence, which is such a blindingly obvious difference it probably explains why the Guardian can't actually quote a single named person from the 'concerned' FA expressing actual concern. Hell, you know it's gotten bad when the house journal of the elitist left is forced to cite radio phone-ins as proof of public concern.

The BBC: Finding The Nuance In Racial Harassment

In the comments to this post, interested of warks is listening to the BBC so you don't have to:
He teamed up with Diane Roberts to discuss the latest Russell Crowe movie, where Crowe plays a racist white cop who can't stand the fact that his next door neighbours are a white woman married to a black man.

It's apparently a very 'subtle' film where you end up liking the white racist and disliking the black victim. Good to see the Beeb really taking on those racial stereotypes in this review:

Diane Roberts: "It’s a very interesting film. It’s very unsettling. Russell Crowe is just terrifically watchable, but he’s frightening too. He’s just beyond the pale. We don’t know if he’s been driven mad by his exposure to American liberalism, or whether it’s living in this God-awful suburb where everything’s manicured… but he’s one of the best characters I’ve seen."

Lawson: "I agree. He’s very frightening, it’s fascinating and it’s a brave venture by both the writer and the actor I thought. We’ve had this tendency in American cinema to creat saintly white figures – understandably given the history of liberalism – but this is really daring. This invites the audience to dislike a character partly for reasons of his race and his racial attitudes."

Diane Roberts: "And his racism. I mean, he does not like for a young white woman to be married to a black man. Now, given this black man, I can kind of take his point, because this guy’s kind of useless. But that’s not the point. He’s not a saintly redemptive white man, thank God. He’s not going to teach the black people how to live. I’m so glad to see an angry – understandably angry – maybe crazy, we don’t know, ferociously rule-driven white man. This guy makes his children use perfect grammar, his children can’t listen to her iPod at the table… there’s all this sort of moral rectitude in his character that goes along with his rage and this misogyny…. I think the whole film, up until, ooh, maybe, the last quarter of an hour, is very subtle... You don’t know what to think. You want to endorse this interracial marriage, but you see some of the issues coming up and, frankly, you’re being forced to like the guy who seems a little crazy and not like the guy who’s a victim.
Well, it sounds familiar, but I think IoW must have got confused about a couple of details.

Hmmmmm.... all this from folks who never see anything subtle or ambiguous in opposition to open borders. Nope, that's racist all the way.

Actually, like JulieM, my favourite part was in the horrified references to dad having a downer on iPods and ebonics. Racial harassment of whites and supposed race traitors? They can see the upside to that, but iPod-free dining? Madness!

Oh, and one more thing: if these pretentious no-nothings are going to insist on calling themselves the 'creative community', could they just once in their worthless lives get through talking about suburbia without using the phrase 'manicured lawns'?

Tomat-o Tomat-ah

Don't be shocked, but Ross has caught liberals trying to mainstream deviancy.

Actually, I'm thinking what they're really about is indicting normality. Still, that's just two sides of the same coin. Liberals conjure up these fatuous proofs that everyone is guilty so they can let real predators off the hook, while harassing the innocent. After all, if there really are so many abused children out there, then that must mean child abuse is rampant in traditional families too, just like liberals have been saying for all these years.

The problem for the left is that pretty much all the risk factors for (real) child abuse are things they vigorously support: family breakdown, drug abuse, wacky third world cultures... Meanwhile, the only way liberals can provide proof of endemic child-abuse in traditional, working, native British families is to either define abuse down to absurdity or invent loopy theories about ritual abuse out of whole cloth.

This is why it's ludicrous for the left to defend social workers in the 'Baby P' case by claiming felons are tricky. Maybe, maybe not: the point is that these felons weren't. On the contrary, anybody except an agenda-driven kook looking at this wreckage of a family would smelled trouble right from day one. But no, that would be judgemental, where as using junk science to victimise innocent families is the very definition of social work.

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Question D'Jour: Special 'Respectable' Edition

If it's us 'extremists' who are such a threat to social order, how come it's always the mainstream parties that turn out to be employing violent lunatics?

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Guns Don't Kill People, MSM Witch Hunts Kill People

Thinking further about the possible role of Indian hoplophobia in the Mumbai massacre,it occurs to me that this battle not only debunks the supposed dangers of lax gun laws, it also exposes another favourite myth of the hoplophobes.

These people assure us that the public doesn't need to be able to defend themselves because, just as soon as the first shot is fired, professional law enforcers will descend upon the felon and bring him to justice. That would be questionable merely from first principles, but there's something deeper going on there. Allegedly supa-smart police managers to the contrary, you can't produce skilled firearms officers in a basically hoplophobic culture.

There's the obvious problem that in such a culture, firearms teams are going to suffer from shortages of both resources and talented personnel, simply through being treated as the mad woman in the attic of policing. More than that though, there's the fact the culture, both inside and outside the police, does not support the kind of aggressive action that's required to successfully deal with heavily-armed felons. To put it another way, consider the apparently bizarre news that many Indian police officers ended the day carrying as much ammo as they started with. Just why did they not even fire a shot?

Well, here's one answer. Turns out the police were already being raked over the coals for a shooting which the hipsterinders had deemed to be unnecessary, and so....

Wait, that seems familiar somehow. Say, anyone know if they're making a film about Rahul Raj?

No, wait: he doesn't qualify for the full hagiography - he had a right to be in India and wasn't a professional fraudster.

I guess we're back where we came in. Just as the MSM and the rest of the moral dyslexics carefully tot up crimes involving legally-held guns, but never those where available weapons would have helped save lives, so we will never, ever, see anyone in the MSM ask whether or not the deranged cop hatred and knee jerk hoplophobia amongst their colleagues contributed to the body count in Mumbai.

More Motard MOPEry

For your viewing pleasure, here's today's 'Islamic terrorism proves Muslims are the real victims' post.

Monday, December 01, 2008

Question D'Jour

In so far as the MSM insists that just about every act of violence in the US is down to lax gun laws, can we now put the slaughter of hundreds of people by less than a footy teams worth of Islamonuts down to India's lack of a Second Amendment?

Sunday, November 30, 2008

FLASH: Dissent No Longer Highest Form Of Patriotism

With the People's Guardian refusing to report on unpersons - even MP ones - it looks like another whistleblower has had the boys round. Clearly, she has been exposing important state secrets, such as the fact our education system is comprehensively screwed.

Still, let's just think about what this says about the state of play. No one is claiming that Snuffy is factually wrong, so when her critics claim she's bringing the education system into disrepute, what they're really admitting is that any accurate portrayal of the British education system must, by definition, expose it to public opprobrium. That's quite an admission in the era of the 'best educated generation evah!'

Quote Of The Day

BBC Pioneers on the Damian Green arrest:
The Party's creed is "A Future Fair to All" and we want to use this event to remind all citizens that there is a fair chance in all their futures that this could happen to them if they become involved in anti-Party activities.


OK, this is new. I thought the problem with open borders was letting lunatics into the country.

Hmmmm... what are the odds that this will be mentioned next time the BBC runs a story on the shocking revelation that British passport holders aren't always waved straight through US customs?

Of course, one question looms above all others: does Patrick Mercer think this raises questions too? How do we know these two weren't on their way to a wedding? Possibly bringing gun-shaped cakes?

Growing Rift Between Liberals And Reality

Hey, bloggers criticise the MSM, but if it wasn't for those guys, we'd never know the real victims of the Indian terror attacks are Eskimos.

Just kidding!

Actually, it turns out that Islamofascists slaughtering Infidels proves that Muslims are really huge victims. Again.

Still, you have to say he hits all the talking points like a battering ram.
Many British commentators have asked in surprise why India is being targeted.
No, only the stupid ones. They're the ones who really believe garbage like this:
In dragging its feet, the Indian state does nobody a greater disservice than Indian Muslims.
See? Muslims slaughter 4000 Infidels but they're still the real victims.
When there are no real suspects, arrests or trials, everyone becomes a suspect. Already an underclass, with low literacy rates, low incomes and poor representation in government jobs, Indian Muslims are increasingly alienated.
Yes, that's how oppressive Indian society is: if you're an uneducated fascist thug, you might struggle to land a job.

Hey, that's a feature not a bug.

Seriously. That's the sign of a healthy society. There should be negative consequences to spending your time banging your head on the floor five times a day and ranting about slaughtering the infidel. It's societal evolution in action.

Still, for the sake of Taseer's ridiculous argument, what does he think should happen? Should illiterates nevertheless be given government jobs, just to fill a quota? Should the Hindus be prevented from using up all the literacy? Or maybe the Indian Air Force should air drop some literacy into Muslim areas?
Nobody wants to listen to genuine grievances about poverty, illiteracy and unemployment in the face of a real threat to the country.
That's because they aren't 'genuine grievances' - they're the entirely predictable consequences of following the tenets of a depraved death cult. Terrorism isn't a side effect of Islamic poverty. Poverty is a side-effect of the type of culture that supports terrorism.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Sympathy Meter Stuck On Zero

Oh sure, the arrest of a Tory MP - and on such clearly loopy charges - certainly cranks up the political temperature, but Pearl Harbour this ain't.

Arrests on ludicrous grounds? Hey, at least they didn't arrest Green's mother on charges of being a tomato dealer.

Use of police to harass folks with the wrong opinions? Yes, that certainly rings a few bells.

And what has been the response of the Tories to all this?

No, not nothing. It's worse than that. The Tories might not have agreed with the left on the specifics (or, indeed, they might have) but they certainly bought into the underlying world view, that there are views so extreme that those who hold them don't deserve to have the same rights as everyone else.

It's the philosopher and the actress again. Remember that story? The philosopher offers an actress a million pounds if she'll sleep with him and she agrees. The philosopher then says 'well, how about ten pounds' and she says 'what do you think I am? A prostitute?', to which he replies 'oh sure, we've already determined that, now we're just quibbling about price'. The Tories have already climbed into bed with leftist thugs, everything else is detail.

So excuse me if I give the whole 'Day of Infamy' thing a miss.

Femiloons: Silent At Last

I've said it before, and doubtless I'll say it again, but if you want proof that the femiloons are a wholly-owned subsidiary of the left, check out their attitude to rape. These hags claim every man who ever lived is a potential, or indeed actual, rapist, but when it comes to actual predators..... [crickets]

Look at this for further evidence of this. The clue is in the news that victims of our societies' institutional paedophilophobia also enjoyed the benefits of our all-must-go-free system. That's always been the giant gaping hole in the femiloon's arguments. They have zero tolerance for violence against women, but what about violence against girls?

They'll get back to us on that one.

Hey, the public attitude to paedophilia really is 'zero tolerance', so why aren't the femiloons down with that struggle? Clue No 2 is their old slogan 'the personal is political'. They want to use crimes against women to indict the male of the species, but that's as far as it goes. They think rape is bad, but they can't really explain why. They're still fully paid up to the left's cult of indiscriminateness. Still allergic to the idea of moral absolutes. Sure, they don't like predators but, hey, it's not like they're conservatives, right?

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Outrage D'Jour: Special 'Right To Know' Edition

Hey, remember how the BBC used to give banner coverage to any criticism of the Army by Andrew Wakefield, media whore and alleged coroner? Having a leftist hack carry out a witch hunt of the Army months after the fact is a vital part of our democracy, but investigating certain other bodies? Not so much:
In July, the BBC failed at a private hearing before Greater Suffolk coroner Dr Peter Dean to restrict the scope of the inquest. But he rejected their arguments, saying the inquiry would look into whether Miss Peyton felt pressure to take the job.
Your licence fee in action. The BBC must be the only media organisation in the world that spends most of its time trying to keep the public in the dark.

Today's Free Money Story

I'll start believing the government needs to raise taxes to fund ospitalsanskools just as soon as they stop wasting our cash on stuff like this.

Although it is hard not to admire the metaphorical significance of the government funding mass debation.

Polly Antoinette

Socialists, they're all about the people.

I'll leave it to the philosophers to decide who's the most obnoxious out of Polly and Lansley.


In so far as the Nu Tory face cards keep disparaging the base as a bunch of retarded bumpkins who don't understand the intricacies of modern politics, that strategy would probably work better if they didn't keep coming out with lines like this.

Lansley's position would be moronic at the best of times, but right now, with the government trying to convince us it's a straight-up choice between Labour's plan to ritually burn eleventy squillion pounds as an offering to the economics gods, or doing absolutely nothing and having the Lord Humongus stop by, well, let's just say that this: SMART!.

The thing is that this is that Lansley is correct: a recession would be good - for people like him! What do the Nu Tories care about a recession? They're all loaded anyway. All it means is that it'll be easier for them to get a plumber.

This is where we came in. It's not the base that insular and parochial, it's the Tory Top Brass themselves. Lansley is telling us who they are. They're privileged, they're entitled and they don't give a toss about anyone else.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

It's Like The Da Vinci Code Of Liberalism

I'm sure they'll treat this with their usual good humour and open mindedness!

It's Not About The Electability

One of the strangest arguments for conservatives voting Tory is the belief that all this Nu Tory gunk is just a cunning fraud, and on election day + 1 the Ayatollah Khameron and pals will switch from 'moderate' Dr Jekylls to ultra-con Mr Hydes.

At the best of times this would be a strange idea, at least in so far as they'll only vote for The Dave providing he's a dishonest weasel. But it's not just that. What about those parts of the country where the Tories already hold power and have held it for years? No concessions to electability required there, so surely a chance to preview how the Tories would govern nationally right?

Well, the first sets of data are in, and it's not looking good.

No Hunting Terrorists Without A Licence!

Surely they're just doing the job the British just won't do?
Three hours later, however, [Pakistani villagers] were woken by explosions in Khaisoor, as three Hellfire missiles from a Predator destroyed a mud-built bungalow in the village.

Inside, among the five people killed and six injured, were Rashid Rauf, the British militant alleged to have masterminded a plot to blow up transatlantic airliners in 2006, and two senior Al-Qaeda comrades, Abu Nasr Al-Misri and Abu Zubair Al-Masri, according to Pakistani intelligence sources...

Patrick Mercer, the Tory MP for Newark and former shadow security minister, said Rauf’s killing raised serious issues. “This raises the question of how much co-operation the British intelligence agencies provided in what is ultimately the execution of a British subject.
Guess Mercer learned his lesson after last time.

See, here we are back again with the central feature of Cameronism. In so far as The Dave's strategy is to dodge having to deal with tough issues by shrinking them down to the point of absurdity, it's no surprise that the Tories main contribution to a global war with deranged fanatics is to quibble about the paperwork.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Quote of the Century

Crivens! The MSM are shocked - shocked! - to find out that Islamofascists aren't down with the PC:
[EVAN] KOHLMANN: I think a better question is is that, is Zawahiri here taking a very dangerous step? Because, you know, Al-Qaeda itself has had problems with racism and bigotry within the ranks, and it was only about a decade and a half ago that Al-Qaeda was paying different salaries to its Arab members and its black African members. And the person administering that financial scheme, that payment scheme, is now the number three in charge of Al-Qaeda. He wasn't demoted, he wasn't punished for this, he was promoted. So I think the question is, is Al-Qaeda really in a position to be, you know, spouting off about the evils of racism when clearly they have as much problem with it as anybody else.
Yes, murder and mayhem is one thing, but discriminatory hiring practices? That's going just too far!


Link Fixed!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

They're Doing The Job British Sailors Just Won't Do

No Marxists Here!

Just like a certain, well-known broadcaster, if social workers aren't a bunch of agenda-driven leftist kooks, why exactly does the left keep closing ranks round them? How come PC Plod never qualifies for this 'not serious physical abuse' exemption liberals have just discovered? Or is it just restricted to deserving cases like pushers, terrorists and muggers, rather than toddlers?

All of which ignores the fact that the left's argument doesn't even stand up. Forget the nitpicking and the loopy Third Gunman hypothesising, the basic problem is contained in their argument that, sure, 'Baby P' got tortured a bit but, hey, that's how it is with the underclass. Yes, liberals, that's what we're saying: the same lunatics who will go to any lengths to harass Joe Public treat child abuse in designated victim groups as just part of the culture.

Ditto, the left claim that the only-mildly-abused Baby P would have gotten away with it, if it wasn't for that meddling brother. In their preferred sequence of events, the brother popped up and killed the child before anyone in authority could react - sort of like the Pearl Harbour of child abuse cases. Who, ask the left, could guess a convicted paedophile would be a risk to children?

Well, just about everyone on the right actually.

It is the left - more specifically, the hipster element - that spends its time claiming that, sure, paedophilia is 'bad' but not in the sense of something you have to do anything about. In so far as a convicted paedophile was free to move into the same house as a young child with no one being any the wiser - which is the left's story in a nutshell - then this case pretty much confirms everything the right - and even many principled leftists - have been saying for years. Current doctrine for dealing with paedophiles is a national disgrace. It'd be great if this really means even the hipster are climbing on board the Reality Express, but coherency has never really been their thing.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Feral Liberals

First thing first: in so far as this piece of dreck is an overtly political attack on the British right, in what sense of the word does it count as 'charity'? Hey, maybe we'll take the left's call for higher taxes seriously once their own organisations stop claiming tax breaks on bogus grounds.

Good to see the left's still keeping to its usual standards of evidence too. 'Comments made on websites'. A-huh! This is Clue Number One right there. The left quotes stuff anonymous commentors say on websites, the right quotes stuff prominent leftists actually say in real life. Hell, find me anything on the right that's as hateful as this ad, to say nothing of the implicit racism and sexism in it.

Of course, this is Clue Two. The Yoof establishment has been under fire this past two weeks over the 'Baby P' fiasco. Meanwhile, the left fires back with warnings about pretendey pogroms. Actual sadistic torture and death presided over by liberals vs deranged fantasises about conservatives roaming the streets killing da yoof. Hmmmmmm.... guess we're going to need to go full auto if we're ever going to catch up with the social workers' kill rate.


Good point from Dan in the comments. What's with all this 'demonising children'? Sure, we criticise some of them - spookily enough, the criminally-inclined ones - but as a group? Key metric: find a conservative who denounces all children the way mainstream liberals use isolated incidents of misconduct to indict every cop in the country.

Talking of which, as the folks at Coppersblog would no doubt ask rhetorically, which demographic is it that the feral youth are most likely to victimise? Exactly. If these freaks were really interested in the 'yoof' rather than in pushing dysfunction, they'd be crying out for more 'demonisation' of the violent and depraved.

The Right To Know!

Something to remember the next time the BBC justifies blowing the lid on security operations. Apparently, the public doesn't always have a 'right to know'!

Steyn D'Jour

Steyn on the culture war:
If the default mode of a society’s institutions is liberal, electing GOP legislators eventually accomplishes little more than letting a Republican driver take a turn steering the liberal bus. If Hollywood’s liberal, if the newspapers are liberal, if the pop stars are liberal, if the grade schools are liberal, if the very language is liberal to the point where all the nice words have been co-opted as a painless liberal sedative, a Republican legislature isn’t going to be a shining city on a hill so much as one of those atolls in the Maldives being incrementally swallowed by Al Gore’s rising sea levels.

Honest Liberal Detected

There's a film coming out celebrating a Christian extremist who waged war against a democratic government in the hope of imposing a dictatorship which would cleanse the country of immigrants.

Why, yes, it is set in Ulster. How'd you guess?

The humbug is so rancid that even a Guardian staffer can't take it any more.

Funnily enough, the response from the libtards in the comments seems to be lacking their famous nuance. As far as I make out, their two main lines of counter-argument are that the Daily Mail is bad, and David Cox is writing from a British perspective. All of which throws into sharp relief the state of the British left.

For a start, is there anything more 'Daily Mail' than whining about the Daily Mail? Seriously, they whine about it Every. Single. Time.

Then there's the whole thing about their constant whining every time someone calls them unpatriotic. Yes, I think if you go weak at the knees for a film based on every libel your nation's enemies have ever deployed, your patriotism may be kind of suspect.

On the other hand, at least this movie proves that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights isn't as universal as you might think. Consider that leftists are enraged by any allegation of mistreatment of self-confessed terrorists - no matter how dubious these allegations might be - but wanting to ethnically cleanse most of the people out of your country? A noble ambition, sir!

It's a simple fact that in Bobby Sands' Ireland Protestants would be ethnically cleansed, either overtly as in the early days of the Republic, or via the indirect route of oppressive Jim Crow laws. Until then, he and his pals were perfectly happy to kill them one at a time.

Then there's the Root of All Evil Mother Church. Leftists have spent years disparaging the Catholic Church for.... well, everything really, but now we have a case where Catholic priests really did help murder people for having the wrong religion and we have what must be the first sympathetic portrayal of a priest for years.

So much for principled atheism. It turns out that liberals are totally down with the church, just as long as it'll keep on with the good stuff, like helping terrorists, and ditch the extreme stuff, like opposing gay marriage.

But the final point is this: as Ross points out this piece of deranged racist lunacy is actually being funded by the UK. There's only two things that need be said about that. One is this: in so far as we're funding movies depicting fascist sociopaths as heroes, I'm not necessarily convinced that tax cuts will have to be at the expense of 'ospitalsanschools. Point two: in so far as this film is a hibernofascist pr0no - as evidenced by the Guardian comments thread - funded entirely by the very people whose murder it glamorises, what have eighty years of religious fundamentalism and racism done to the rancid republic? How comprehensively wrecked does your culture have to be to end up dependent on foreign imports of racism?

Thursday, November 13, 2008

ClimbiƩ Effect Still In Effect

But of course! I guess Manchester decided that anything Haringey did, they could do better.

It's not like we haven't been here before. Actually, in so far as the mother appears to have been a fruit loop even prior to the murders, she probably qualified for a double diversity score. This is what happens when the Marxist paradigm of victimhood and oppression dominates your entire world view. After all, who are we to say that killing your two young sons is 'bad'?

I Killed 'Baby P'

...But I had help - from all of you for a start.

Yep, in a new low even for these freaks, it turns out that the reason why social workers left Baby P to die was all the people criticising social workers. Hmmmm... not so much chicken and egg, more chicken and roast dinner. Maybe they could try beating the system by not screwing up in the first place?

In so far as they're claiming that because people criticise social workers for seizing children on bogus grounds, social workers are reluctant to take kids into care even where the child has been tortured over a number of months, I say again: shouldn't supposed experts on raising kids sound a little less like they're fourteen years old themselves? Either that or go the whole way and accuse John Hemmings of being just like Hitler.

It's simply a fact that the same cult that uses junk science to persecute normal families keeps ignoring obvious cases of torture. Ditto - and again this may have passed our highly-trained social workers by - John Hemmings MP is supposed to hold public servants to account (the clue is in the letters after his name).

Still, consider what this says about the morals of the average social worker when their defence for leaving a child to die is that they feared mild criticism for rescuing him. Hey, sounds like exactly the people we can trust with unaccountable power, right?

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Cameron Pouts, Whines, Backflips

The Tories have a new talking point: Gordon Brown is a beast for accusing Cameron of trying to politicise the 'Baby P' case just because he brought it up at Prime Minister's Questions.


But, as ever with the Ayatollah Khameron, let's not let the obvious absurdity obscure the deeper humbuggery. Under Cameron the Tories not only threw conservative critics of social workers under the bus, as they did so they signed onto every self-serving myth these lunatics have ever hidden behind.

Say, would it be too political to ask if Cameron knows what social workers 'really do'?

See, this is the central problem with Cameronism. This is why Gordon Brown's popularity rises as a result of his handling of his own recession. Say what you like about Brown's policies, but at least he gives the impression of having an overall vision. Cameron? Not so much.

Cameron has anti-gravitas, and so he relies on his ability to shrink issues down to his own level. It was somehow inevitable that a point about child protection would devolve into weird passive-aggressive posturing. There's no actual strategy there. Consider the sheer brass neck of his position. Seemingly in the blink of an eye, the Tories have gone from calling critics of social workers ignorant to demanding that the government trash the existing review structure they themselves signed on to, in favour of a witch hunt.

I'd have more confidence in Cameron's sudden conversion to the conservative cause if he could explain exactly where he was on the road to Damascus when he suddenly realised the right was right, after all. Absent that, I think we're perfectly entitled to decide that, for once, Brown called it exactly right.

'Cult'? What Cult?

Wacedemia plus the Obamamessiah? You know it's going to be good!

Quote Of The Day

Over-optimistic? Of course, but still funny:
Obama's ascension also creates another gargantuan irony. How can liberals sell American racism, class envy and unfairness when our new black president and his wife went to Ivy League schools, got high-paying jobs, became millionaires, bought a mansion, and are now moving to the White House? How unfair is that? Now, like a delicious O. Henry tale, Obama's spread-the-wealth campaign rendered itself moot by its own victory! America is officially a meritocracy. Obama's election has validated American conservatism.

So ... Wham!!!

That's the sound of my foot kicking the door shut on the era of white guilt. The rites have been muttered, the carcass lowered, dirt shoveled, and tombstone erected. Dead and buried.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

It's Not Random

Looks like another stunning victory for social services.

As ever, I say that if the problem was merely that social workers were untrained/over-worked/retarded or whatever, these horror stories would occur pretty much at random. Ditto, with cases of social workers persecuting the innocent. On the contrary, the figures only tilt one way.

Social workers have totally assimilated the cultural Marxist view of the world as an endless battle between the oppressed and oppressors. Anybody who can make a plausible claim for victimhood, such as ethnic minorities, junkies, the deranged or just members in good standing of the underclass, are, by definition, victims. Meanwhile, everybody knows that the traditional family is by definition an abusive environment, especially if there's a danger of the children being exposed to Christianity.

The problem is not with the procedures, the IT or the training. The problem is Marxism and what it does to people: it provides moral cover to even the most hideous of behaviours. Social workers treat people as sock puppets in their little agitprop productions. Today Baby F stars in 'Smackheads Are People Too!' - best catch it while you can! Tomorrow it's Child E in 'Suburbia Is Every Bit As Depraved As Any Sink Estate'.

To return to an old theme, these atrocities happen as a direct result of the ideology reigning in social work departments. Change at the top isn't enough, the fanatics need to be driven out. This is why the culture war matters.

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Today's 'Non-Cult' News

But wait... I thought every day was a holiday in the new era?

New Era Not Quite As Expected

I guess racism is now fabulous! It really is change you can believe in!

Two Further Perspectives On Disaster

"The wizards of smart on our side want to attract a Wal-Mart voter over there, and a Joe the Plumber voter over here, but that's not how you win elections. You win elections with core principles, and you attract people to them because they work."
I can't help but notice a lot of the "Republicans' most enamored of Obama, and most disgusted by Palin, are upper-class twits. Either by birth or by adoption of their culture.

I'm betting wallace and schmidt are, too.

A lot of this is pure class/cultural disgust at those boisterous,
declasse blue collar types.

Hey, Palin got shit done in Alaska. But blue collar morons are good
at fixin' shit, aren't they? As David Brooks noted, Obama can easily
cite Neibhur in conversation. (However you spell his name.) That's
the important thing, you know.

The lower classes DO. The upper classes ARE.
Yowser! A sneery bunch of elitist creeps thinking that they just need to come up with a supa-smart marketing strategy and the bumpkins in the base won't notice they're getting the shaft. It's weird, but somehow that sounds strangely familiar.....

More On Nihilism...

Interesting exchange in the comments to this post. TDK challenges me to come up with a positive vision for conservatism, but Northnorthwest beats me to it - I'm sure everyone's seen it already, but just in case, here it is again:
How about a regime of liberty protected by laws (and limited when the 'libertine' tendency causes discernible and concrete harm: not mere upset or offence.) Everything which is not specifically banned by Act of Parliament or ancient Common Law to be permitted.

The laws to be decided by freely-elected national institutions such as a British Parliament free of overseas management and overseas legislation of all sorts. The laws are to be enforced by judges steeped in the history of the English Common Law [and its Scottish equivalents] and statute law, and capable of discerning the difference between their own opinions and the actual practise of the laws of the land.

The lower house is to be moderated by an upper house which is largely free of electoral cycle pressures, and which amends, warns, and delays the Commons' bills in order to prevent panic-legislation and extremist populism [such as the Obama Democrats are likely to rush through in the 2 years before then next round of Congressional elections.] There should be with set procedures for national emergencies to circumvent some peacetime procedures and laws, but these to be temporary and regularly need to be renewed by the consent of Parliament - say every three months.

The widest possible variety and extent of private property ownership and property rights should be reinstituted, including and especially the ownership by parents of their share in a national education budget, and by all workers of their National Insurance payments, to be directed into health insurance and private pension planning in addition to what their employers might provide.

Compulsory worker's pension savings [ tax advantaged ]of 10% per annum, with tax advantages for more up to the limit of savings a person can make from earnings. This is intended to prevent the need/political demand 40 years on from adulthood for the taxpayers to 'do something' when libertines want to retire and can't quite find the cash...

All taxation to be on income [of all sorts including capital gains] at a single rate, with a generous lower limit. Death duties to be abolished.

Also a wise government would limit any financial help for parents at the third child to end the baby-breeding welfare underclass in a generation.
Subsistence benefits for the able should end after 3 months and workfare be provided at identical rates.

Disability/incapacity benefits to be awarded only on diagnosis of specified, definable illnesses, with treatment programmes mandatory with the intention of curing them and returning the patients to the workforce. Threats of suicide made by 'depressed' individuals in this case to be met with an appointment at the nearest hospice to be offered lethal drugs.

Abolish all moral and quality-of-life quangos and Ministries and return all government functions to a small and apolitical Civil Service - which you might return to once the Local Education Authorities hand over the last publicly-owned schools to the voucher - financed private school foundations.

Drugs, poverty, intoxication, insult or poor upbringing to be banned as mitigation for all crimes. Prisons should be run with the intention to incarcerate, to punish, and to reform only a distant third, but to be preceded by a steeply-graded non-custodial sentencing for first and second non-lethal offences, such as mandatory curfews and name-and-shaming in the criminals' neighbourhood for the first, and the pillory and possibly corporal punishment for second offences. Third strike and you're in: no exceptions.

Self-preservation to be upheld as the supreme legal right, with protection of others and property close seconds.

Dismantle the security apparatus and censorship laws of the 9/11 era, and fund properly staffed and numerous counter-spy services and employ overseas intelligence and subversion against terror-sponsoring regimes.

There; once that's done, freedom might actually mean something, as most folk would have enough cash and enough spare time to make decent lives for themselves and their families, with a reasonable chance that a large portion of their lives won't be stolen or spoiled by unlicensed criminals, tax men or regulators alike.

God save the Queen.
Hey, it works for me! I'd quibble with one or two things (coming soon...) but it does nicely make the point that there really is such a thing as conservative ideology after all.

Nihilistic: Don't Mean Nothing

Plenty of libertarians have already hammered Hazel Blears for her recent remarks on blogging and, more specifically, the underlying implication that nothing good can come of anything which operates independent of the state.

Still, as absurd and/or terrifying as Hazel Blears' speech is in terms of what it reveals about leftist attitudes to liberty, it was also ludicrous from a social conservative perspective. Consider the chutzpah of these people calling anyone else 'nihilistic'.

What would a nihilist say about patriotism? Would he support the unique culture and way of life of this island, or would he argue that 'Britain' is purely a geographical term?

How about the family? Would nihilists argue for the vital role of the family in our society, or would they claim that the traditional family is no better than any other random collection of individuals living in the same postcode?

How about art? Where would a nihilist stand on the question of whether or not some art is objectively better than others?

The modern left's world view is best summed up by millionaire hippy John Lennon's dirge 'Imagine' with its vision of a world stripped of meaning. And now they complain that the right is nihilistic?

Wednesday, November 05, 2008


As far as recent events go, I think Ross puts it best.

In so far as the world's policeman has decided to lock himself in the station and smoke his way through the evidence locker, it looks like we're screwed. Still, let's see if we can grasp at a few straws while we wait for Mark Steyn's new book 'Some Parts Of New Hampshire Alone'.

First up, let's admit that the schadenfreude aspect is a guilty pleasure. Who isn't sick of US bloggers sneering at Euro-peons and their stoopid, socialist ways? Now the Land of the Free has become the Land of the Freebie, at least we won't have to hear any more from the 'Nuke Europe!' loonies.

Not that Europe doesn't deserve plenty of criticism. Whatever the obvious advantages of life under the US defence umbrella, it has been a powerful factor in Europe's descent into Po-Mo madness. Not only has it freed Europeans from the financial burden of defending themselves, it's freed them from the psychological aspect of it too. In effect, we have become a continent of scroungers, with all the pathologies that implies. Now, finally, it looks like Europe will have to take responsibility for its own survival.

In so far as this new world demands greater European cooperation on rebuilding our barely-present defences, that means the EU is in trouble. That might seem like a paradox, but it isn't really. When Eurocrats talk about an EU Army and the like, they talk about it as a natural outgrowth of the EU, complete with a Commissioner for Artillery, with a staff of 10 000 and offices in St Tropez. In other words, a method for pushing federalism rather than actually achieving anything. The times are too serious for that: we really do need to get something in the field ASAP and, as luck would have it, we already have an alternative model for the common defence in NATO - and all without the bureaucracy or the sleaze.

The EU apologists have always exploited a false duality: you've either accept Brussels and the Common European Paperclip, or you're a Little Englander/Frenchie/German/Czech.... ad infinitum. It's either some guy from Athens ruling on the bus timetables in Manchester, or you'll need to apply six months in advance for a visa to go on a booze cruise. NATO neatly debunks that theory. European troops can work together just fine, even while still maintaining their own doctrines and traditions.

It's not all grim. In so far as the US is retreating from the world, that's going to open up commercial opportunities for someone, why not a Europe that's finally having to stop sponging and start pulling its weight?

Then there's The Issue. Actually, I give it ten days until all the folks who demanded America elect Obama as the ultimate in slavery reparations suddenly decide America is still AmeriKKKa after all. The folks who invented 'institutional racism' aren't going to let a little thing like a black president derail the gravy train, but at least some of the conservative movements' alleged intellectuals might finally swallow a clue pill and realise there's no point 'reaching out' to these loonies. They're making a life and a living stirring up racial antagonism and the only way conservatives can possibly appease is to stop being conservative.

Similarly, in so far as liberalism depends at least in part on white guilt, that's going to be a tough sell with charmers like the Reverund Wrrrright stopping by the White House for afternoon tea. We might finally be seeing the end of the cultural cringe in which it's obligatory to claim all cultures are equal, except western culture which is the worst evah!

The coming freak show has the additional benefit of hopefully finishing off libertarianism as a political force. In so far as this position mainly consists of loftily denouncing right and left as, like, totally the same, maaaaan, its going to be tested to destruction in the next four years. Ditto, back home in a Europe facing up to the realities of the modern world, I don't expect whining about the vital importance of the right to smear your naked body with marmite and run down the high street will be a big seller.

It's going to take an exceptional leader to repair the damage from four years of these loonies in power, and fortunately it looks like the conservative movement has found one. After a reception that makes the Salem witch trials look restrained, the closest the left came to landing a glove on Sarah Palin was claiming that she was 'inexperienced'. Well, that problem will solve itself soon enough.

Note too that in amongst all these disasters, Proposition 8, an initiative blocking gay marriage, passed in California. Yep, that California! Hey, are we sure it's conservatism that's the problem, rather than, say, the appalling quality of conservative politicians?

Which brings me on to my next point. Considering John McCain's descent from principled maverick to senile demagogue, why are conservatives still supposed to be impressed by candidates who are popular with the MSM? McCain was an MSM pin-up just as long as he denounced the conservative movement, but as soon as he became a threat to the left, he was a shuffling embarrassment. Key point: any conservative can be hailed as a courageous truth teller for denouncing the right, but don't think the MSM will call them in the morning. Hopefully, the point will finally hit home with some conservatives.

The flip-side is the number of 'moderate conservatives' who hailed John McCain as the right choice, shortly before slithering over to the Obamamessiah's side. Again, I'm hoping the conservative movement's face cards will finally realise that there's no point trying to appeal to people who prefer the low-conservatism candidate, since sooner or later they'll switch to the candidate with no conservatism at all anyway.

Finally, let's return to the beginning. Specifically, what was really wrong with the ranters over at lgf and the like was this: America might indeed have been less socialist than Europe, but that reflected the hard work and commitment of past and present generations of the American right - it wasn't some God-given state of grace. Large parts of the American right forgot that, and now the US is U/S for at least four years. But whatever happens to America, the American ideal lives on, because it is a good one.

Monday, November 03, 2008

It's A Feature Not A Bug

I could have guessed what the answer would be when I saw that the charge was that they were 'out of touch with the best modern childcare techniques'.

Midfielders Of No Appearance?


Actually, some of us have been saying for years that liberalism is at its heart an ideology for people who can't deal with the law of consequences.

Question D'Jour

Who to believe? The professional or the sleaze who took years to find out he was in the wrong party?

Like I've said before, what is it about soldiering? The troops don't insist on writing long articles about how to put on a West End musical, set dangerous felons free or whine like a little girl, so why don't liberals show them the same courtesy?

Still, it is proof that all leftist arguments ultimate devolve down to sticking their fingers in their ears and singing loudly.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Magistrates, Your Intellectual Superiors:

How out of it are our betters on the bench? This much:
But she was shown mercy by District Judge David Copper after he was told how she had bought the £3.10 box of Nestle chocolates to say sorry.

Judge Cooper, sitting at South East Suffolk Magistrates Court, told her: "That is a very sweet gesture. I have never heard of that happening before.
That's funny, 'cause I'm an ignorant right-wing moron and even I've heard of it happening before. Take this case for example:
A convicted killer who went on a drug and drink-fuelled rampage in Northampton has apologised to the police officer he punched ... by sending her a bunch of flowers and box of chocolates.

Timothy Harris also floored another innocent victim during his angry outburst in the early hours of New Year's Day and had been told to expect a jail sentence.

But the 43-year-old was yesterday given a second chance after Northampton Crown Court heard how he had become a "different man", secured a job and given up drink and drugs.
Like one of the folks says over here:
I imagine that a lot of officers will be receiving petrol station flows and tins of Quality Street after this from "quite unique" violent killer thugs, if that's all it takes to dodge 3 years in pokey
Well, quite. The only people who can't work this out are apparently all sitting on the bench.

Meanwhile, like I said over at Julie's place - if only the underclass were as diligent and adaptable when pursuing lawful ends as when playing the system, then we wouldn't have an underclass.

"They Read Lines For A Living"

No Mainstreaming Going On Here!

Actually, it's an interesting moral question: who's worse, the scumbags who did this, or the sleazy hipsters who'll doubtless hail it as 'bold' and 'transgressive'

MONA Maternity

Are you ready for the Mothers of No Appearance?

Clearly, Methodists the lot of them.

Outrage D'Jour

I could almost take liberals' deranged hoplophobia, if only it was matched with a desire to punish the folks who actually use guns. But no: every handgun in the country gets melted down, but this guy will be out in time for the next Olympics.

In Another And Better World....

For an explanation, as if you needed it, of just why the left will die in the ditch rathger than give up the licence fee, consider what's happening to another, once-respected, media organisation that sold its soul to the liberal cult.

Speaking Truth To No Power!

There's already been plenty of good comment on the Brand/Ross situation, so I'll just add two things:

In so far as our national broadcaster now apparently defines itself in opposition to the nation's most popular newspaper, can the much despised Daily Mail readers finally get an opt out from the licence fee? True, there are other public services people might not necessarily use, but at least the NHS doesn't spend its time denouncing the healthy as Nazi vampires.

Point two is this: do not in any way shape or form allow the BBC and its groupies to convince you that this is just a side-issue or a proxy. It goes to the heart of what's wrong with the BBC.

As Evan Sayet would point out, there's no underlying comedic or satirical value to making obscene phones to elderly people. They weren't taking on the powerful 'Fawlty Towers Lobby'. They were victimising an elderly man simply to demonstrate their contempt for those pesky 'social mores'. This was just an extreme example of the BBC doing what it does pretty much 24-7: tear down the concepts of civilised behaviour and promote dysfunctional sleazitude.

They're still doing it right now, every time they try and defend themselves by caricaturing the critics as as semi-senile lemon suckers who aren't down wid da kids, as though objecting to obscene phone calls to elderly gentlemen was some wacky olde worlde eccentricity. In the bonkers world of the modern left the equation is simple: right is wrong and wrong is right, and once you work that out, everything they do makes much more sense.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Quote Of The Day

A commentor at B-BBC hits the nail on the head:
BBC's HYS is asking should comedians challenge our "social mores". I replied "yes" they should, and then I typed out my favourite Bernard Manning joke. So far it hasn't been allowed through. But lets keep pushing those boundaries kids!

Well, They Do All Look The Same Anyway....

Hey, it's not like they need to deal with issues of identity in their job, is it?
He was invited by mistake, when the NBPA wanted to hear from his near-namesake, former shadow home secretary David Davis.
I thinking their failure to get promoted may not entirely be down to racism after all....

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Quote Of The Day

You invited me to come here, if you wanted someone just to turn up and give the same old speech you should have picked somebody else.
A Tory with testicles? Who knew?

Say, Anyone Know Where Al Gore Is?

London, I'm guessing.

Well, Stop Subsidising Them Then

Jovial Jack Straw has rightly been flamed for his descent in terminal humbuggery, but the clue is in the language he uses:
In a speech at the Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce, Mr Straw will say that the Government needs "to reclaim the language of punishment and reform" when it is talking about offenders.
He will say: "Two simple words: it's time we had them back. They are straightforward words. Their meaning is clear...

"And with reform. The word implies an obligation on behalf of the offender to make an effort to make amends...

The public expect the justice system "to punish those who have broken the law", he will say, adding that it is time "to go back to the sort of plain English we all understand".

He will suggest that some of the language around how to deal with offenders has been hijacked by the criminal justice lobby, which is concerned with phrases like the "criminogenic needs of offenders.
Hey, is it just me or is anyone else starting to see a theme here?

Even the Telegraph spots the problem with that. The language has been fine for the last eleven years - it's the actual policy that's been the problem. Straw can say what he wants, but every time we get to peek behind the curtain at who actually runs the justice system, it turns out to be people like this:
The Sentencing Advisory Panel, which advises the Sentencing Guidelines Council, said there should be a presumption that thieves, burglars and anyone convicted of dishonesty should not receive a jail term.
In fact, it's worse than that. Not only do we have moonbats lodged in the system itself, Straw's government actually pays out taxpayer's money to activist groups to push this stuff. In other words, the Home Office uses our money to pay activists to lobby the Home Office in support of criminals.

In the unlikely event Jack Straw really has been mugged on the road to Damascus, the first thing he could do would be to stop wasting taxpayer's money on pro-criminal astroturfing.