Thursday, July 14, 2016

Say, Does Anyone Remember Talk Of A 'Referendum'?

Poor old Andrea Leadsom, huh? If only she'd joined ISIS Theresa May would have ignored her completely. As it is, she's been cast as a bigoted serial fraud and tax-cheat with a room temperature IQ.

Of course, the fact the Andrea Leadsom has now been appointed as a government minister should in no way be taken as a reason to question the sincerity of these charges.

Besides, if I was Theresa May, I'd be avoiding raising issues about dodgy CVs. Is there any real evidence she was ever actually Home Secretary? Apparently, none of the bad stuff was down to her, but no one can say what she was responsible for. There was the feminazi lunacy like the 'flash rape', but for the rest? Don't ask the MSM: she's totally brilliant, that's all you need to know.

Still, at least the establishment got their girl Theresa over the line, so it looks like the only real change in politics is that we've gone from a PM who was the embodiment of everything MSM journalists would like to be, to a PM who is the embodiment of what they really are. Fat Dave, with his blue blood, family fortune and breezy savoir faire was everything MSM journalists value (thus summing up why you should never trust the MSM to pick a PM), while his replacement is a preachy insular middlewit indistinguishable from any of the two bazillion wimminz writing columns on 'how cheese is sexist'.

Some say this is the Major Years Part II. We should be so lucky - at least the music was OK then. As it is, Theresa May is David Cameron's firm principles mixed with Gordon Brown's charm and personality, but even that's not all of it. The MSM keeps telling us she's a hugely experienced and skilled leader but everyone in Realville can see an uninspired plodding hack with a bunch of red flags: she's the Roy Hodgson of politics.