Monday, June 18, 2007

Silence of the Liberals

It might have passed you by, in between the opening of the Stephen Lawrence Memorial Toilet and the endowment of the Anthony Walker Chair in White Guilt, but the Left has apparently decided on a new policy on racial violence: don't mention it.

Funnily enough, this change in policy has come through just as the courts are dealing with another hate crime. Charlene Downes was, allegedly anyway, abducted, sexually assaulted, murdered then chopped into pieces and sold in a fastfood takeaway, but the Left thinks the whole case is a bit of a snoozer. Sure, cannibalism is pretty wack, but hey, it's hardly Hollywood material is it ?

Consider exhibit A: the Wikipedia entry on Charlene Downes. Or rather don't - it's been deleted by the Libs. The excuses given are priceless:
The murder case is not terribly notable; the victim is not notable (or encyclopaedic) at all.
Unlike Sir Anthony Walker VC MD, who needless to say, is covered.
nothing paticuarly notable - unless there was an uproar over the girl getting served in food.
Well, quite. Perhaps sensing that claiming that the case wasn't notable, providing you ignored all the notable bits, wasn't necessarily a wining argument, the Leftards switched to Plan B: it's all about the dark forces.
People are murdered every day, other than the soapboxing by a far right party which doesn't prove notability. there's no evidence of the significance of this one
Well, OK, we'll take that at face value. No one except a far out right-wing nutcase could possibly object to the rape, murder and cannibalism of a young girl. In related news, Liberals are amoral scum.
This article and the others in the series, all written in order to promote a BNP campaign and to advance racial hatred, should (I nearly said will) be deleted
That sound you can hear is the cat being let out of the bag: never mind the actual 'facts', the case is kind of inconvenient for the Liberal world-view, so away it goes.

At risk of stating the obvious, encyclopaedia are supposed to be, well, encyclopaedic. As I've said above, Anthony Walker is, quite rightly, covered - ironically enough including a quote by Labour MP Edward O'Hara that Walker's killing was "random, exceptional and representative of absolutely nothing". Also covered is this case. Then again, so are vital issues such as this and this. Why not ? It's an encyclopaedia, just don't use it to try and find out about the wrong facts, or Liberals will accuse you of being a Nazi.

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