Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Liberalism's 'Animal Farm' Moment

Again I say: who'd have thunk it? A race-hustling liberal pin-up turns out to be a crook.

Yes, indeed: tempting though it is to note that these days having a sympathetic profile published in the Guardian ought to be admissible in court as evidence of guilt, just this once we should listen to the libs when they say there are wider issues here. Not, as they will doubtless claim, that the raycism made him do it. Nope - there's something even more profound here.

The thing is that Ali Dizael isn't just a crook and a low-life, it's the particular form of criminality he practised. Liberal propaganda assures us that, sure, the Nu Police may have their problems, but do we really want to go back to the bad old days of Gene Hunt fitting people up?


Dizael wasn't just corrupt, his was exactly the type of corruption which liberals always cite as grounds for their PC reign of terror in the first place. You can't say both liberal and conservative approaches to law enforcement have their pros and cons. Liberal policing turns out to be all one big con.


Furor Teutonicus said...

but do we really want to go back to the bad old days of Gene Hunt fitting people up?

Damn RIGHT we bloody do!

Anonymous said...

Despite years of investigations and doubts over this individual's suitability as a policeman he ascended ever higher in ranks: Chief Inspector, Superintendant, Chief Superintendant, Commander. WTF!