Wednesday, March 02, 2022

We Have The Elitism, Just Not The Elite

Things are looking pretty grim in the Ukraine but the good news is that the Russians have already lost 1,500,000 troops according to Neil Ferguson's modelling.

Yep, remember him? Back in the old days, when Covid was in all the papers until it suddenly wasn't. 

It must have been run over by a Russian tank. 

Also dead: misinformation. The usual suspects have spent the last two years insisting that only Very Special Certified Facts are allowed. Now suddenly the same folks are telling us that Boris Johnson is totally a Russian agent. 

Apparently, he's a Russian agent who was the first Western leader to send arms to Ukraine and took one of the most hawkish lines on sanctions so it looks like he's as good at being a Russian agent as Sir Kneelalot was at being Director of Public Prosecutions. 

As it happens, arms shipments from the UK started on Monday 17th Jan and Sir Kneelalot spent the next Prime Minister's Questions asking six questions about birthday cake, so you can tell the MSM is bang on about him being un homme serieux

Actually, it makes you feel more sympathetic to Professor Pantsonfire. His bad luck was that he was the one liberal who came out with some actual numbers so we can all see exactly how ludicrous his predictions were, meanwhile the rest of them spent years explaining that Trump was a loose cannon who needed to be replaced by savvy professionals like Joe Biden for the sake of global stability. 

And these are the people who call Leave voters uniformed idiots! 

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