Monday, June 24, 2019

The Lives Of Others - Soy Boy Edition

Not entirely refuting my theory that the New Left has become the Old Right, liberals are hailing the heroism of a pair of sanctimonious net curtain twitching weirdos eavesdropping on their neighbors. It's like a 1970s sitcom - if it was made in East Germany.

Apparently, phone hacking is out, but hanging off the drainpipe so you can tape the neighbors' private conversations? Completely normal, you guys.

I may be being too optimistic but I think NS has put her finger on it right here. If it's a straight up choice between BoJo and Snooty McSnitchypants, I think most people are going to go for the 'non-sour faced hypocrite' option. And that's not the best of it....

Like I keep saying, the Remoaners' spirit animal is clearly Wile E Coyote. Every single time they come up with one of their cunning plans, they end up dropping the anvil on themselves. In this case, they've reminded everyone that the EU gives huge, great wodges of taxpayers' money to rich girls of no obvious talent to make produce crappy propaganda pieces. Who voted for that?

Nope, just kidding! It's the EU, of course we don't get to vote on it. It's just a permanent feature of modern life that the snoot class uses the government as a full employment service for itself. We get the taxes, they get a grant to produce a musical celebrating thirty years of the European Pencil Office.

That's the wider point here. The more that the MSM tries to convince us that all the cool kids are Remoaners, the more they're ramming home that the EU has been great if you're Gary Lineker, Lily Allen or some fat girl who writes terrible agitprop, but the rest of us are getting screwed.

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Cucks 4 A Caste System

If you want a barometer of how worthless Licensed Conservatives are, just look at how they all jumped to defend muh free speech when it was Jo Brand, but went MIA - or even piled on - when it was Count Dankula.

Or Sargon.

Or... well, anyone actually - just as long as they're outside Snoot Club.

The theory seems to be that by penning 10,000 word essays praising their own nobility in not condemning Fatso McAcidface, the left will be shamed into seeing the inherent hypocrisy of their position and take up the cause of free speech.

Ah huh.

Basically, it's a demand for unilateral disarmament in the culture wars.

As HD says, how's that working out for the right?

Liberals don't worry about being exposed as hypocrites. They get off on making us follow rules they have no intention of abiding by. It's the whole point of the exercise. When the cucks defend Jo Brand they're implicitly accepting this premise. They're accepting that there's a de facto caste system in Britain. There's the common rabble, constantly harried by a zillion hate speech laws, and then there's the Brahmin caste who can not only say whatever they want, but expect us to admire their courage in so doing.

Jo Brand, huh? So daring. So courageous. How does she get away with it!

Hey, I'm thinking the cucks continuously babbling about muh sacred principles probably help.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Bore On Drugs!

If you ask me, the worst thing about the Michael Gove drug revelations was that - last week of all weeks - he tried to pass it all off as a youthful indiscretion.

Hey, you guys, he was just another misguided thirty-something yoof.

There is no better barometer for what's gone wrong in Britain than that in the week where we remembered D-Day, members of the snoot class are seriously claiming that a guy almost twice the age of some of the troops who hit the beaches was just a poor mixed-up kid.

As far as the issue itself goes, I think I'm like most people: I can see reasons to abandon the war on drugs, and I can see reasons to step it up, but I can't see any reason for a war on drugs where there's a ceasefire every time some snoot enters the kill zone.

Still, at least Michael Gove has killed one of the more ludicrous myths about drugs.

Here's Mark Steyn:
He applied for a job round about that time at a publication for which I then wrote, and the chum of mine who took the interview reported back that Gove was one of the most boring men he'd ever had the misfortune to sit through lunch with. If he was snorting in the bog between the soup and fish, it evidently didn't add any sparkle to his repartee. For American readers, the notion of Michael Gove as a cokehead is roughly analogous to discovering Mike Pence spends his weekends in a gay leather bar: It renders the very concept of transgression pointless. Given what he's like on his face, the idea of Gove off his face is too surreal to contemplate.
Well, quite.

Yes, plenty of alleged 'creatives' use drugs but that's a consequence of their lifestyle, not a cause of it. Like Robin Williams said, cocaine is God's way of telling you you've got too much cash. Add in too much free time on the tour bus/in your trailer on set/whatever and the temptation is obvious. They needed their talent to get there in the first place, the drugs came later. Like some singer once said, drugs had a definite influence on his creativity - he'd have created a lot more music  if he hadn't been stoned all the time.

To the point: despite what the wannabe rebels in the MSM like to imply, boring people on drugs are still boring, just with a side order of annoying as well. Getting high on coke to feel cool is just an upper-middle class version of fat footy fans wearing replica shirts to feel more like their heroes.

Teachers: stop showing the kids unlikely public information films about how one tab of molly will turn them into a werewolf and just lay it out to them. Ask the kids: seriously, do you want to be as cool as Michael Gove?

Saturday, June 08, 2019

Feminist Achievement: Like Male Achievement But Without The Achievement

I might be going out on a limb here, but judging from the output of every TV station and newspaper in the country, I'm starting to think there may be some kind of sporting competition involving women in the offing.

Seriously though, watching how the MSM reports on 'wimminz's football' is enough to make you yearn for the snarky irreverence of North Korean TV.

Hey, the folks producing Pyongyang Today have the threat of a firing squad hanging over them. What's our media's excuse?

Curiously enough though, despite glowing coverage 24/7, there still seems to be a distinct lack of evidence that 'wimminz's football' has any actual women supporting it, outside of the usual freak show collection of feminazis. I mean, I'm just putting this out there, but in so far as there is absolutely no evidence that these freaks represent normal women, wouldn't it be more accurate to start calling it something else? Say, 'creepy loser football' or 'damaged wierdo football'?

Oops.... my mistake: they've broken the code. The reason why normal women don't want anything to do with them is that their sport just doesn't have enough deranged misandry. 

Yep, that's the answer. They just don't hate men enough.

Of course, you may wonder why such supposed supporters of the sisterhood are ripping off a song by male writers in the first place. Aren't there the odd one or two girl writers out there?

In fact, I have just the song for them!

Meanwhile, back in the real world, taking a fun song by some guys and turning it into a celebration of feminazi lunacy is exactly the point. As ever with these people, they don't want it, they just want men not to have it. Don't believe me? Consider this:
The new tune and accompanying video references past successes of the England team in the same way as the original song. But the names, and footage involved, have been switched. Substitutions include Jade Moore for Bobby Moore; Nikita Parris for Gary Lineker; Steph Houghton for Bobby Charlton, and Jordan Nobbs for Nobby Stiles.
That's the feminist definition of achievement in a nutshell: take something men did, and demand everyone pretend women did it.

I want to say something snarky, but like Ann Coulter said, the left's big advantage is their resistance to parody. Give it twenty years and children - at least the non-aborted ones - will be reading about how Everest was first climbed by Hillary Edmund and Sherpa Tanya.

For those of you keeping score at home, this means that the Refectory at Wokeingham University serving chilli and burritos on 'Mexican Day' is cultural appropriation, but digitally erasing high achieving males and inserting wimminz is perfectly reasonable and anyone who objects is probably a rapist.

All of which takes me back to my original point. Can you imagine if we had actual journalists in the MSM?

Actually, I can. I'm thinking the interviews would go something like this:
INTERVIEWER:I'm here with Millie Tant, newly crowned wimminz footballer of the year. Milli, congratulations, what does does wimminz football mean to you?
MILLI: It means we're going out there and sticking it to the Patriarchy. We're telling girls 'you don't need no man', embrace your girl power and stick it to these pigs. You don't have to live your life according to what some phallic oppressor says. We're here, we're free and we don't need nothing from no man.
INTERVIEWER: OK, so how does wimminz football differ from men's football?
MILLI: Well, they're basically the same...
INTERVIEWER: But you have a Wimminz FA, right?
MILLI: Not exactly...
INTERVIEWER: Your own clubs?
MILLI: Not really.
INTERVIEWER: How about your own pitches?
MILLI: Nope..I'm not sure where this going...
INTERVIEWER: But I bet you design your own shirts, right?
Yes, indeed. They're sticking it to The Man... just as long as the man continues to subsidise them, offer them free use of his facilities and pretend to take their loony cult seriously.

This is the real evil of it all. It's not just that these are horrible people pushing a vile ideology - it's the demand that people pretend that their awful, appalling appropriation of football is anything other than garbage.

As the great Theodore Dalrymple noted, the point of pushing obvious lies is not to convince anybody, it is to humiliate them. Once people have been forced to repeat absurdities they have been in both sense of the word, demoralized. The demand that people pretend that this parody of football is actually good is a demand that people ignore the evidence of their own eyes and their own reason. It is an attempt to outlaw reality. No healthy society should tolerate such a thing.

Sunday, June 02, 2019

Trumpenheiss Is Not Enough!

If you had Julia Hartley-Brewer in the sweepstake for 'Next Licensed Conservative To Get Thrown Under The Bus', congratulations, you can collect you winnings from the office.

All that hard work denouncing the Golden Don and it turns out you can never be woke enough!

Lest we forget, this is the woman who once wrote an article headed 'I'm No Katie Hopkins'.

Oops... turns out she is Katie Hopkins, and so is the next MSM pseudo-con busy penning their 'I'm No Julia Hartley-Brewer' article. 

Hey, who knew feeding crocodiles could turn out badly?

Media Approved Conservatives can stay on the gravy train just as long as they're prepared to act as wedges keeping the Overton window in place, but as soon as they start expressing actual conservative opinions, they're right under the No 666.

There's a deeper issue here. The cucks in the Tory Party will want to ignore all this. Too much of a hot potato, you guys! But I'm guessing that, come the next election, the comrades at the RCGP will be busy trying to claim they're totes a non-partisan body.... that just happens to sound exactly like a Labour Party press release. The genius set at Tory HQ can neutralise these people now, or they can wait until they pile into '24 Hours To Save The NHS Part 2'.

But no: letting partisan hacks pretend to be objective servants of the people is what all the cool kids are doing these days!