Sunday, February 24, 2019

Vote Snoot Party!

All week I've been trying to decide of it's ironic or just stupid that a group dedicated to permanent submission to Brussels calls itself The Independent Group?

Then again, given we have a Conservative Party that hasn't conserved anything, a Liberal Democrat Party that thinks votes don't matter, and a Labour Party that refuses to hire any one with a real job, it makes perfect sense. The only real surprise is that the Green Party isn't pushing to making driving a 4x4 compulsory.

Some will say that apart from the desire for permanent Euroserfdom the members of this group don't actually have a lot in common, but that's only true in terms of the surface stuff, like tax rates and the like. When it comes to the underlying worldview, they're all fully-signed up to the full range of Metropolitan prejudices. They really believe that the snoot class should rule by divine right and the rest of us are just the chumps who need to be occasionally bamboozled or bribed, and otherwise ignored.

In that sense, TIG are closer to reality than, say, Dominic Grieve. It's quite obvious M. Grieve and pals think this whole 'Referendum' thing is just a storm in a tea cup and once it blows over we'll return to snootocracy as usual - which is further proof that these guys are, propaganda to the contrary, just not that smart. Back in the day they could at least maintain the pretense that they respected the base, but now they've made it unmistakably clear that they regard actual conservatives as scum. For all their talk of 'extremism' and the need for compromise these people demand the right to disregard the views of 52% of the population and push through their own agenda. Finally, the conservative base has woken up and asked the vital question: 'what are we getting out of this anyway'?

Say what you like about TIG, but at least they're pushing their views honestly. We now have a party that accurately - and openly - represents the views  of the Snoot class. Now at last we can see if the public really finds Chuckup Umunna as compelling as the MSM does.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

ISIS Members To UK Gov: 'And We Thought We Were The Crazy Cult'

The MSM is still trying to convince us that the country's split on the question of whether or not to allow jihadist nut case Shamima Begum back in to the UK.

Seriously? What definition of 'split' are we using here? Are there any normal people buying this? Are there any people out there who might, say, ever vote conservative who are in favour of letting this nut back in?

So where are the Certified Mega Brains in the Tory Party anyway? They keep assuring us that they're totes conservative, you guys, it's just they keep having to push leftist policies for reasons of electability. Well, here's the electoral equivalent of a £1,000 note lying on the ground and they're nowhere to be seen.

The Tories could add 10% overnight just by telling this witch to shove it. Hey, even if they have to change the law... especially if they have to change the law. Do you think it might be interesting to get Islington Jesus on record re: the Screw You And Stay There Act (2019)? As far as Labour's base goes, this isn't a 'wedge' issue, it's a 'chainsaw with titanium teeth' issue. It would expose perfectly how the 'Party of the Working Man' has been hijacked by a deranged alliance between degenerate metropolitan snoots and Jihadists.

But no: Labour's off the hook. It turns out that the reason why the Tories so often sound like liberals is that..... they're liberals. Take away the odd quibble about tax rates and regulations on business and they're otherwise fully signed up to the Church of the Left, and most of all, its most sacred creed, the Gospel of the Open Borders.

It's one for the philosophers alright: jihadists want to blow people up, the Tories want to let them. Who exactly are the crazed fanatics here?

Saturday, February 02, 2019

Respectable Conservatives Are Trans-Smart

Like I keep saying, one of the weirdest myths in British politics is that the Tory Party is run by savvy super geniuses, while the conservative base are a bunch of shaved chimpanzees. Any rational assessment of how things actually work suggests the opposite is closer to the truth.

Take recent events: by now, just about everyone has weighed in on Humberside Police's attempts at literary criticism....

Oops... best make the everybody except the actual, paid, members of a party supposedly dedicated to small government and freedom.

Hey, this shouldn't be a tough one - even James Kircuck got it right - but, no, the Smartest People In The Room are hiding under the table whimpering.

Maybe they think it's a hot potato? Maybe they think there's a key demographic of swing voters who are ready to vote Tory but they're unsure whether they can trust the Tories to take a sufficiently hard line on unlicensed poetry?

Personally, I'm going out on a limb here, but I'm thinking anyone who is fine with the police pressuring employers to sack people who haven't even committed a crime is probably not a big supporter of individual rights.  Just a hunch. And then there's the fact Labour MPs have decided to run silent, run deep as well.

Normally, most Labour MPs need sedating to keep them out of a PC witch hunt, but suddenly they've all collectively remembered they've left the gas on at home. More to the point, our fearless watch dog media has also refused to question them about this. Jacob Rees-Mogg constantly gets asked the equivalent of  'who would win in a fight between Batman and Darth Vader' (except with abortions), but no one is prepared to ask Islington Jesus if a woman can have a penis.

Hey, this might be the House of Dumb but even I know that there's no 'LGBTQ community'. Don't be shocked, but it turns out that the 'L' aren't so keen on the idea that any girl who would rather wear Doc Martens and fix her bike than play with dolls and make up is clearly - clearly! - a boy trapped in a girls body.

I know, shocking, right? At least it is if you're an idiot or - apparently - a member of Humberside Police or the Tory top brass.

The theory seems to be that that the Tory Party can spend the next four years avoiding saying anything at all and win by default as long as Labour are being run by Comrade Trampski. Here's the thing though. It doesn't even make sense on it's own terms. The assumption is that Labour can't make up any ground on the Tories, but they did that just last week when the crime figures came out. They managed to push the narrative that rising crime was all down to the Tori Cutz.

Well, here's the reality: the police aren't short of resources, they just choose to use them to wage culture war. If Humberside has twice as many officers that would just mean they spent time digging up tweets from 2012. That's why there's no hiding place for the Tories. They can face the (mostly mythical) political cost of taking on the SJWs in blue or they can face the political cost of rising crime. Those are the only two options.