Monday, January 14, 2019

Extreme Extremists Being Extreme

Good post from Ace about the open borders lobby in the US:
Dave Reaboi makes different points than I have in mind, but he makes the basic point: all this shrieking about "character" by the neocons, liberal Republicans, and Establishment types is just some ideological camouflage to disguise the real objection to Trump, that is, that it's racist to oppose Open Borders.
They don't want to say that -- they believe it intensely, but they don't want to admit they share yet another key ideological premise with their close cousins on the globalist hard left -- so they pretend this is all about a rather small difference in free trade and the tactics to achieve actual free trade and, of course, about "character."
As in the US, so here: 90% of the time when the MSM and the political class - but I repeat myself- are warning about muh rising extremism they actually mean something more like 'rising opposition to open borders'. Hence why there's more chance of the Martians landing than there is of any MSM drone asking Tory MPs about this.

Lest we forget, these people are obsessed with cross-examining mainstream Christians like Tim Farron and Jacob Rees-Mogg about their beliefs. Failing to be sufficiently enthusiastic about random, anonymous butt sex strikes these guys as just crazy, but denouncing Europe as 'too white' is just common sense, init?

Wednesday, January 09, 2019

Wile E Coyote, Remoaner Super Genius

Uh oh...looks like the Remoaners have come up with another brilliant, totally guaranteed not to boomerang on them, plan. They're going to try and gin up a wave of public sympathy for damsel in distress Anna Soubry.

To say it is to debunk it. 

Even if you do buy this screeching harpy as some kind of victim, the plan requires the public to be completely unable to remember the numerous attacks on leave supporters. Hey, if calling people Nazis was a criminal offense, half the remoaners in the country would be on Death Row. Instead, Remoaners have spent years giving nodding and winking endorsements to the violent loons in their ranks. 

Apparently, not everyone deserves the same level of protection under the law, just like only some votes should count. Only those who the Remoaners judge worthy deserve the full benefits of citizenship.

See? Not like Nazi ideology at all.

Meanwhile, the rest of us have been given a reminder of just why we voted 'leave' in the first place.