Monday, December 18, 2017

The MSM: Speaking Truth From Power

It's not 'technology' or 'unfair competition from fake news' that's killing the MSM. If you want to know the real reason why the MSM is dying, consider the latest scores for 'The Last Jedi' on Rotten Tomatoes:

Critics: 93%

Real people: 56%

Naturally, such a huge chasm between the MSM's collective opinion and actual, normal people has caused a lot of soul-searching amongst the folks in the media who like to claim they're the voice of the people.

No, not really!

Instead, they've doubled down. It's all a conspiracy I tells you!

It's probably those Macedonia content farmers again. There is no better proof of the bogus nature of the left's anti-establishment posturing than that we now have the MSM circling the wagons round a huge corporation. They're not standing up for the little guy, they're standing up to the little guy, slapping him about the chops shouting 'you will like this garbage'.

Yes, it's only a movie. On the other hand, it's only a movie, yet even here the MSM can't resist the temptation to push its deary, nihilistic agenda. If they're like this with a film, who could possibly trust them to deal honestly with serious issues?

Monday, December 11, 2017

Govt Minister Tests Positive For Banned Substance

Namely, testosterone.

Needless to say, the Usual Suspects have taken it calmly and rationally: 
But his comments have sparked a row after the former director of public prosecutions Lord MacDonald branded the remarks 'juvenile'.
Uh oh...I understand that if Gavin Williams doesn't withdraw his comments, His Lordship might escalate to calling him 'dreadfully suburban' or 'frightfully common'.

But it's not just lords calling out this guy. Nope, there's also a ladyship too. That's what counts as egalitarian in the modern Labour Party: nobles of both sexes (I guess we'll have to wait to hear from the other 72 genders).

Apparently, these comments are outrageously outrageous but the only people the MSM can find to denounce them have never been elected dog catcher. Meanwhile, people with the need for actual votes are strangely unavailable for comment.

That's why this is important. Obviously, a policy of killing the fox before it gets in the hen house is the right thing to do, and also a certain vote winner, but it also exposes the central myth of cuckservatism. We're told that professional conservatives have to pander to freaks like Shameless Shami for the sake of electability but when a conservative finally tells these people to shove it, Labour MPs suddenly remember they've left the gas on at home. The extreme position turns out to be the one that no one who wants to be elected will argue against.

Monday, December 04, 2017

Mel Brooks On Brexit

I knew Theresa May's Brexit (non)negotiating strategy seemed familiar:


It can only be a matter of time before she's seen in 10 Downing Street shouting 'Oh, lo'dy, lo'd, Barnier's desp'it! Do what he sayyyy, do what he sayyyy!'