Hey, and I thought the usual suspects wanted us to be more mature, sophisticated and continental about these things....
Has anyone heard from Hugh Grant and Steve Coogan yet?
Honestly, it's like Lord Levenson never existed. Meanwhile, here are three things the MSM won't be asking:
i/ Bearing in mind that the UKIP vs the legacy parties stand off is meant to be a battle between a bunch of jovial morons and the sophisticated intellectuals of the political classes, it's noticeable which side is making substantive points and which is acting like a cut-price version of the News of the World, frantically searching through bins to try and find something incriminating.
ii/ What exactly is the overlap between all those feminists outrageously outraged by Godfrey 'Sluts' Bloom and the people right now claiming that the only possible reason an attractive women could hold a senior position in UKIP is that she's banging the boss?
iii/ How does this sudden love for traditional values square with the whole gay marriage thing? Eighteen months ago anyone talking about the sanctity of marriage was a crazed bigot who wanted to lynch interior designers, now the MSM is going all misty-eyed about the state of Holy Matrimony.
Hey, it's not just the obvious hypocrisy, this is a perfect insight into the essential corruption of Cameronism. When Cameron and the rest of his elitist pals are sneering at traditional values, that's proof of their sophistication, but they still expect everyone else to stay on the plantation. That's why they complain endlessly about welfare fraud and tax avoidance even as they use taxpayer-funded quangos as a full employment service for their mates.