Thursday, May 29, 2008

What Was In The Judge's Cake ?

Say what you like about this case, but few people are better qualified than judges to talk about toxic fruitcakes. Come to think of it, adding rat poison to a cake mix might just be the perfect metaphor for what liberalism has done to the legal system.

At risk of stating the obvious, the legal reasoning on show is a train wreck, not least because the defence of provocation only applies in homicide cases. Equally, no matter how badly and how often Little Miss Cyanide was beaten, she herself admitted that she was motivated by a desire to punish her husband for his affair (and, besides, no one 'just snaps' and bakes a cake).

Still, it gets more bonkers:
Judge Jamie Tabor....
Judge Jamie ? Gravitas! I'm guessing Judge Roz and Judge Mikey will be following on later.

Judge Jamie Tabor said he was being lenient as Yvonne Godwin had been in an abusive relationship.

"In my judgment (this) meant you weren't seeing things straight at all.
Given that the poisoning was, as even the offender admitted, not motivated by the abuse, it's worth asking just how wide-ranging this licence to poison is ? What if this former NHS cook had pulled a Shipman in her old job ? Wouldn't the novel 'not seeing things straight' defence apply here too ? If not, why not ?

But that's not the best of it. Here's 'Jamie' again:
You've been a mother to several children. You've worked hard in several places of employment.
I take it all back! She's a heroine!

Hell, if having several kids and plenty of ex-employers means you can poison your husband... well, let's just say I guess we won't be seeing Brad Pitt round here any time soon.

Now, for the cherry on the top, 'Jamie's' final comment:
You are not a criminal in any shape or form.
Well, except for the poisoning thing, of course.

The husband might be a wife beater, but what did the English language do to deserve this pounding ? She's been convicted of poisoning someone, she's a criminal. Words have actual meanings.

This is why the culture war matters. Liberals aren't just intent on introducing wacky laws and ludicrous interpretations of existing ones, they want to undermine the whole basis of English law. Once you have judges denying people convicted of offences are criminals, the law - as an objective body of work - has ceased to exist in any meaningful sense. There's no underlying principle at work, it's all about how liberals feel.

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