Wednesday, May 05, 2004

That Didn't Take Long...

About five days in fact, before government policy on dealing with the 'new EU' collapsed into ruins. Can you guess what happened ?

Yes, indeed, the scumsucking moonbats at the High Court have ruled that it's a fundamental human right to go to someone else's country and demand free money from the local citizens. Sort of like Danegeld for the Nu Lab generation. Strangely, the High Court has yet to find a fundamental human right for people not to be coerced into giving their hard-earned cash to any tool who has the nouse to get on a bus from Lower Bratislaovitsia to England. Here's the details:

Asylum seekers from the new EU countries in eastern Europe won the right yesterday to bring a High Court challenge against the Government's decision to block state benefits.

Yes, they're claiming asylum from a fellow EU country. Never mind that they're are all from countries, by definiton, signed up to the whole EU barrell of monkeys human rights garbage. They already have the right to residence in Britain (or any EU country) but, hey, that don't pay so well, so they keep their snouts in the trough just as long as the L3 nuts in the High Court will let them.

And that's the better story from the L3 never-never land of the judicary. This is far worse:

Lawyers for 12 Iraqi families who claim relatives were killed by British troops in Iraq have lodged papers at the High Court in a battle for compensation.
The lawyers want an independent inquiry to make the Ministry of Defence accept legal responsibility for the deaths.

They have lodged papers at London's Royal Courts of Justice - the first step in seeking a judicial review.

The test cases will decide whether the UK armed forces in occupation are subject to the Human Rights Act 1998.

After lodging the papers, solicitor Phil Shiner said he expected there would eventually be a total of 17 Iraqi families seeking damages under human rights legislation.

There's some debate over whether the Human Rights Act has been hijacked by an L3 judicary, or whether (as I believe) the government always knew it's allies in the madhouse would use it to make law that Labour would never risk exposing to public scrutiny. Be that as it may, the suggestion that the Human Rights Act applies in the middle of a foreign war zone is a whole new turn of the ratchet. Just how long are we expected to have our elected representatives bypassed by a bunch of unelected, and unelectable, tranzi lunatics ? Wasn't this what the Civil War was about ? The primacy of Parliament over a supposedly enlightened, and definitly privledged, elite that sought to warp the law of the land to fit it's own agenda ?

We need another Cromwell.

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